What are iSupporters?

An iSupporter is anyone with a passion for taking care of and helping others. This can be in the form of donating funds to various cause organisations or perhaps running a fund raising campaign. If you want to get involved, then this is the perfect place.


New Donors and Causes

There are many worthwhile causes that need the help and support of generous people. iSupport has the answer! This online community aims to put donors and causes in touch with each other, allowing cause organisations to benefit greatly from the backing and financial aid that these donors provide. As a donor, you can benefit from the excellent standing you get from supporting a great cause, thereby boosting your business and personal reputation.


Recurring donations

Fundraising should not be a once off it should be a recurring monthly donation no matter how small. Often it is better to give R50 a month for ever than a once off donation of R200. This helps cause organisations to receive more donations over the year instead of once offs. This also helps cause organisations grow their donor community by using tools to facilitate the donations so they can focus on what they should be doing on the ground with their cause organisations.